Category Archives: Street Photography

Swanston Street

Friday 8 April 2011, in the vicinity of Flinders Street Station.

We needed to make it to Hosier lane by 6pm, and I had a bit of time to shoot a few frames on the way.
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Heading to the weekend

It’s Friday, and on the way home I had ten minutes to spare before my train departed.

The entrance to Flinders street station never disappoints with interesting people and sights.  Fortunately I had slipped a camera into my bag this morning before I left home.

I have found street photography a challenge.  It is an art of capturing a moment, usually without any interaction with your subject.  In order to succeed, as a general rule, you do not want to draw attention to yourself.  You need to get the shot before your subject has the opportunity to focus on you.

There is also no chance to “direct your models”.  You need to capture the moments as they happen.  There is no second chance.

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No more troops?

The steps in front of Flinders street station always seem to have an interesting sight to offer.  Usually you can spot punks or goths decked out in their finery waiting – for what I don’t know – in front of the station.

I was on my way into the CBD when I chanced upon a demonstration against the Australian involvement in the conflict in Afghanistan….

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Gone horse mad

Tomorrow is Melbourne Cup Day – that means that it is a public holiday in Victoria, and the rest of Australia doesn’t work.  The festivities start well before the main race though.  Today, the centre of Melbourne was brought to a standstill by the Melbourne Cup parade.


The streets of Melbourne


After collecting a new camera bag for Rochelle, I headed off into Melbourne’s laneways to explore a little ….

It is almost always possible to find something new in the narrow laneways, with walls covered in street art.  The hustle and bustle of the streets present a vibrant panorama that also always offers up new sights.

Although I am looking forward to putting the clocks forward on Sunday, I will miss the soft light in the early evening on the way home from work.  Winter does definitely present the best opportunities for capturing the sights of Melbourne’s streets in the early evening – in summer you must wait much later until the sun starts to dip low, and the light starts to soften.